Mehndi Tattoo in Nape

9 years ago
Nape tattoos are becoming more popular due to their visibility and they allow you express your individuality. Geometric and ornamental s...Read More
Mehndi Tattoo in Nape Mehndi Tattoo in Nape Reviewed by Muhid on 7:51 AM Rating: 5
Flower Culmined by Maori Half-Rosette Flower Culmined by Maori Half-Rosette Reviewed by Mido on 10:54 AM Rating: 5

Unique Tribal Calf

14 years ago
Image name: Tribal Calf Comments: This tattoo was done at the Milan Tattoo Convention 2006. It was drawn freehand, taking influence f...Read More
Unique Tribal Calf Unique Tribal Calf Reviewed by Mido on 2:17 AM Rating: 5
Unique Ethnic lowerback piece Unique Ethnic lowerback piece Reviewed by Mido on 2:17 AM Rating: 5
Unique Moroccan-inspired Backpiece Unique Moroccan-inspired Backpiece Reviewed by Mido on 2:17 AM Rating: 5
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